original dot matrix game boy
All grey. I love using matching buttons and screen covers with the original shells.
Three different audio connections on a single unit allowing RCA, 1/4" and 1/8" stereo connections. Excellent for impromptu live shows when you don't know what connections will be available!
Yellow shells are my favourites. Especially when you add in pink components.
Custom Kitsch-Bent shell with a squared off back, allowing more space for adding components such as audio sockets and giving a distinct blocky appearance.
Sub-miniature toggle switches to enable/disable the backlight and internal speaker on this one.
Super Famicom / EU SNES inspired colour scheme.
Yellow shell with black parts replacing the dark grey for a distinctive contrast.
Translucent shells are always effective and force you to make sure the wiring inside is tidy. I love how this shell echoes the atomic purple shells that the Game Boy Pocket and Game Boy Color used later.
Custom build I did for chiptune legend DJ Cutman
I layered vinyl stickers on the shell before spray painting for a subtle LSDJ relief graphic.
All black always looks great. I built this one for legendary chiptune artist, promoter and friend The Tin Foil Hat Brigade
Black and pink always looks good. White biverted screen on this one.
Loved the sharp contrast of the pink buttons on this otherwise subtle build.
Two tone shells are a great way to make an effective looking build when other front and back shells are damaged.
Clear start and select buttons lit from the inside with white LEDs really set this build off. There is a tiny slide switch on the side to switch these LEDs off if required.
I did this collaboration with artist Tom Yaxley. Tom did the awesome paintwork on the shell, I did the build. This was a custom piece for my friend and chiptune genius Auracle
One of my personal Game Boys I like to use for writing and performing chiptune. Clear start and select with internal blue LEDs, switches to enable/disable LEDs and internal speaker.
Built this one for my friend Dan Hett. It has RGB LEDs inside that cycle through the colours on the start/select buttons.
Sometimes it's just nice to keep things simple.
Another of my personal/gig builds, this one has loads of modifications including three different audio connections and a switch to swap them all between pre and post pot options. Also has a PS/2 port to connect a computer keyboard for playing music via LSDJ. I had a lot of fun with this one.
Plain white shell and transparent buttons.
RGB backlight panel with switches to control each. Red, green and blue can be activated in any combination to give a wide variety of backlight options. Side mounted tiny slide switches for easy access without getting in the way.